Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Newly Natural Hair Regimen

Figuring out what works for my natural hair has been as interesting as the journey itself. Besides the so true adage that "moisture is a natural's best friend". Here are a few things that I've learned about my hair so far:
1) I'm a head of many textures but predominately 4b (i think)
2) my natural hair acts nothing like my transitioning hair
3) shea butter works much better as a sealant than oil on my hair
4) sweet almond oil gives my hair a nice sheen and is best on my hair when applied a day or two after wash day
5) I don't have to totally abandon products I used while transitioning and relaxed (just some tweaking needed)

So without further ado:

Natural Hair Regimen~March 2012-Present
Regimen Overview:
Shampoo and Condition 1x per week
Deep Condition 1x per week
Put in Leave in After Washing and Conditioning 
Air Dry only (to about 80%) 
Apply Modified Kimmaytube Leave in
Apply Shea Butter Mix
No Heat Styles

For a detailed look at my regimen, click on the "My Regimen" tab on the home page.
Yours Truly~Freedom

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Big Chop Photos

Here are a few photos of my big chop. For photos of my journey you can find me on hairlista (www.hairlista.com)

Quick recap:
Last relaxer December 2010
Transitioned for 15 months 
Big chop March 2012 happy0155 Free Emoticons   Happy
Yours Truly~Freedom

Stringy relaxed ends
I was so excited.I originally thought that I would go to the salon to BC but I ended up doing it myself. Not to mentioned it was on a Sunday and I was ready. 

Working on this section
OMG! almost done
Yep, I'm keeping it.

Look at my hair!

Friday, April 6, 2012


My Girls during a tour of
the Capital of Florida
Family is a very important aspect of my life. I enjoy every moment spent with my girls and Hubby (well almost every moment; motherhood & wifely duties can be a bit draining at times; 1 of me 4 of them but I wouldn't change it for the world). In any case, they are my rocks. They are there when I need them and they help me to remember what's really important in this life. We have one life to live. Let's make the most of it by enjoying ourselves while cherishing our families. Shout out to all the families that are making things  happen in their lives and in the lives of those they cherish most. 
Yours Truly~Freedom

2011 High School Grad
middle daughter, hubby, oldest,
me, and youngest
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