So today my kids experienced their first flipped class video from home. It was a crazy first attempt for them when they tried to view the video. Before I get into that, let me describe how today went.
The kids were paired up and used the desktop computers or laptops in the classroom so that I could introduce Edmodo and how they would use it to view tonights math video. The kids were very excited. They've been waiting all week to test out Edmodo. The kids used photo booth to take and upload pictures to their Edmodo profile. Everyone was attentive and followed directions well. They shared, took turns, and helped each other out. Two thumbs up for helping 44 kids navigate Edmodo.
Now, on to the madness! Picture this, eager faces exit the classroom ready to begin their new adventures with math. Anxious hands long to access an interesting way of learning. Finally at their destination, curious bodies connect to the world wide web. The Edmodo guys greet them with a warm welcome. Clicking mice and finger taps gravitate towards the lesson. Wandering eyes watch the screen only to see ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
At 3:10 I had about 15 emails/Edmodo messages and 3 kids (that found me after school) all saying the same thing "Mrs. Clemons, we can't see the video!" OMG! Literally that's what I said. So I immediately log on and guess what? The video plays perfectly for me. I even show the 3 waiting kids. They went straight to the computers in the classroom and the video is not working. As I'm working on a solution I get about 15 more emails/Edmodo messages "video not working". So I respond to my parents and kids by sending them the direct link to the video. Did that work? Are you kidding, of course it DID NOT! I continued to trouble shoot and figured out that there was a settings/preference error that I needed to correct. Finally, voila, the video works. Altogether I received about 45 emails/Edmodo messages.
Whew! What a crazy start to the flipped classroom. Despite this crazy start, as I reflect on this experience a few things come to mind:
1. The kids were determined to watch the video, (really kids desperate to do homework!)
2. Even though I said that we would not be using Edmodo to talk to each other for this assignment but just to watch and post a response to me, the kids began to try to problem solve and help each other out (really, the kids wanted their friends to be successful and do their homework too!)
3. Out of 44 kids 39 watched the homework video. I have to come to terms with this number. I am always pushing for 100%. (100% of the kids learning and doing the work 100% of the time). I'm wondering what happened to the other 5? What was hindering them from being able to do the work? How can I help to make sure they do it next time? Ahhh next time, music to my ears. I'll get 'em for sure next time.
Overall, I count today as a success. Are there things that need to be worked out? Absolutely. The great thing about being a teacher is that I am a student first, always learning. And I wouldn't have it any other way!
Live, Laugh, Learn
Celeste Clemons