Sunday, April 22, 2012

Big Chop Photos

Here are a few photos of my big chop. For photos of my journey you can find me on hairlista (

Quick recap:
Last relaxer December 2010
Transitioned for 15 months 
Big chop March 2012 happy0155 Free Emoticons   Happy
Yours Truly~Freedom

Stringy relaxed ends
I was so excited.I originally thought that I would go to the salon to BC but I ended up doing it myself. Not to mentioned it was on a Sunday and I was ready. 

Working on this section
OMG! almost done
Yep, I'm keeping it.

Look at my hair!


  1. How exactly did you cut the relaxed ends off? Did you put the hair in twists and cut the thin ends? or wet the hair and cut the straight ends? I'm asking b/c I'm considering the two options. I'm leaning towards the latter, though. :-)

  2. Hi Jhan,

    Definitely the latter. I divided my hair in 4 sections. Working with one section at at time, I used a spray bottle to wet that section. I then divided the section I was working on into 2 more sections. I started cutting slowly from the bottom up working my way towards the line of demarcation. Wetting the hair makes it easier to see where the 2 textures meet.

    However, I did have to go back through my hair a few more times during the week that I cut it because I did not get all relaxer cut out the first time around. I kept finding straight pieces of hair here and there. It wasn't a whole lot but still some relaxed ends hanging on for dear life. Snip, Snip.

    Sorry to respond so late. Hope this helps. Congrats on your decision to become natural. Please let me know how it turns out.



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